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Former Member Report Out

If you are a former member of the Guam Bar Association...complete the form below.

All Former Members of the Guam Bar Association must report current contact information in the event that inquiries are made regarding conduct while engaged in practice as an active Guam Bar member.

Please refer to Rule 5(c) of the Supreme Court of Guam Rules for the Discipline of Attorneys which requires 10 years of reporting.

**No Annual Fee is assessed**

The information which you provide will not be shared with the public as it is strictly for reporting purposes. Information submitted is kept on record by the Supreme Court of Guam and the Guam Bar Association and is not shared with the public or other government agencies without consent.

​Per Rule 8(i)(7) of the New Guam Rules for Lawyer Disciplinary Enforcement and Disability Proceedings, effective August 1, 2021:
Lawyers who have been allowed to resign remain subject to the jurisdiction of the Comprehensive Lawyer Regulatory System and shall promptly inform the Court of any change in their contact information for a period of six (6) years in order that they can be located in the event complaints are made about their conduct while they were engaged in the practice of law in Guam. No annual dues shall be required. 

*Means required field